Coyote Hills Regional Park

Coyote Hills Restoration and Public Access Project (Patterson Ranch)


In 2014 the Park District, through the Regional Parks Foundation, received its largest ever land donation at Patterson Ranch securing Coyote Hills Regional Park from the threat of urban development and expanded the park by approximately 25 percent. The donation, valued at $14+ Million, was the result of more than 25 years of negotiations between former General Manager Robert E. Doyle and the Patterson family. The Friends of Coyote Hills, Citizens’ Committee to Complete the Refuge, and other local stakeholders were actively involved in opposing multiple residential development proposals at the Patterson Ranch.

Over the past two and half years the Park District has held 9 public meetings, including two planning workshops, in the City of Fremont to seek input on amending the Coyote Hills Regional Park Land Use Plan. On September 3, 2019 the Board of Directors authorized the certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report, adopted findings pursuant to CEQA, a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and approved the Coyote Hills Regional Park Land Use Plan Amendment. This Land Use Plan Amendment will provide the framework for future park improvements and enhancements to preserve and enhance urban agriculture, develop public access facilities, and preserve and restore more than 230 acres of habitat. Please stay tuned for future project information.

Site Description

This project will provide public access and restore habitat on approximately 170 acres of parkland, including oak savanna, marshlands, and seasonal wetlands. Native trees, shrubs, and grasses will be planted to restore the site’s historic ecology and enhance wildlife habitat.

Visitor-serving facilities will include additional parking, picnic areas, restrooms, water fountains, new and improved trails, wildlife overlooks, and educational exhibits and signage. The new parking area will improve pedestrian and traffic safety. Trails will be re-routed periodically as-needed. There will be a traffic lane shift along Patterson Ranch Road - please use caution. The project is expected to open in Fall 2024.

Project funding provided by: CA Natural Resources Agency through Prop 68, EPA, SFBRA's Measure AA, USFWS/Coastal Conservancy, and Measure WW.

Project Resources

Download: Coyote Hills Regional Park Land Use Plan Amendment - Updated November 2019 (340 pp.)
Download: Final EIR (DEIR, RTC, RESO, MMRP, NOD, ADDENDUM) - September 4, 2019 (1049 pp.)
Download: Notice of Availability: Coyote Hills Restoration and Public Access Project Draft Environmental Impact Report - Mar. 2019 (2 pp.)
Download: Draft Environmental Impact Report: Coyote Hills Restoration and Public Access Project - Mar. 2019 (508 pp.)
Download: Comments and Responses - July 17, 2019 (486 pp.)
Download: Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) - August 2019 ( 38 pp.)
Download: Public Outreach and Participation Plan - July 2017 - Revised Feb. 28, 2019 (32 pp.)
Download: Workshop #2 Summary Packet - Nov 13, 2017 (52 pp.)
Download: Workshop #1 Summary Packet (76 pp.)
Download: Board Approved Concept Plan and Site Program - Feb 20, 2018 (4 pp.)
Download: NOP Scoping Meeting Summary Packet - May 31, 2108 (38 pp.)