Day camp kids playing lawn hockey

Day Camps

The East Bay Regional Park District offers many fun outdoor day camps for children. 

Camp Arroyo | Park'n It Day Camp | Camps at TildenJunior Lifeguards & Swim Lessons | Financial Aid

Camp Arroyo

Camp Arroyo is a state of the art environmental education center and youth camp for schoolchildren during the school year and children with life-threatening illnesses or who are "at-risk" during the summer. Visit Camp Arroyo page for details.

Park'n It Day Camp

Park’n It Day Camp (Ages 5-12) is a traditional summer day camp program that takes place Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm in various East Bay Regional Parks. Camps feature hands-on experiences under the care of our highly-trained staff of recreation leaders, lifeguards, and naturalists. For more information, visit the Park'n It Day Camp page.


  • Fee: $200 (non-res. $220)
Day Campers gardening

Camps at Tilden Nature Area

The 2024 Day Camp programs at Tilden Nature Area are now closed.
Please check back next winter for 2025 program information.

Day Camps MLK Park

Tilden Little Farm Camp
*Limit one week of registration per child*
(Ages 8 – 11)

Week 1, Jul 21-25: Register
Week 2, Jul 28-Aug 1: Register

Experience what it’s like to be a farmer during a week of farm camp fun! We'll learn about caring for farm animals, craft, cook, get dirty, and have fun! Register early for this popular camp. 8-11 yrs.


  • Fee: $270 (non-res. $290)
  • Limit one week of registration per child

Registration opens April 1, 2025.

Junior Farmer Camp (Ages 12-15)

Jul 8-11, 2025
(Overnight from Thu to Fri)

Come for an exciting week of making new friends and having fun on the farm! This camp will have an overnight component where kids will get to experience 24 hours of life on the farm. We’ll roast marshmallows, sing songs around the fire, then rise early and head to the farm for our morning chores! We’ll then reward ourselves with a hearty farmer’s breakfast back at camp. 12-15 yrs.


  • Fee: $300 (non-res. $320)

Registration opens April 1, 2025.  Register.

Open Water Junior Lifeguards, Swim Lessons & Other Aquatic Programs

Visit the Lifeguard Services webpage for details of Summer Aquatic Programs and Swim Lessons.

Financial Assistance / Becas

Financial Aid “Camperships”

The Regional Parks Foundation provides financial aid ("Camperships") to qualifying youth for select summer programs. Families must reside in Alameda or Contra Costa County, for more information view the Financial Aid webpage