Experience King Tides at Regional Shoreline Parks
On January 11-12 and February 9, we will experience the year's first king tides, which occur when there is alignment of the gravitational pull between the sun, moon, and Earth. King tides show in stark reality how the one-to-two foot rise in sea level expected during the next few decades will look along our shorelines.
Learn about the future effects on the shorelines and how we are implementing plans for sea level rise and habitat and shoreline resiliency during January and February king tides programs.
What are King Tides?
Sun. Jan 7 from 9-11 am | Sun. Jan 14 from 2-4 pm
Come experience one of the highest tides of the year and a glimpse into the future. Discover what causes king tides and explore the tidal zone on this walk and talk. The terrain is flat, but not all paved. Please dress for the weather, wear boots or other shoes that can get wet, and expect to get a little wet.
Radke Martinez Regional Shoreline (Martinez) at the parking lot off N. Court Street
King Tides at the Cove
Fri. Jan 12 from 11:30 am to Noon | Fri. Feb 9 from 10:30-11:30 am
Stop by during your lunch or morning break and watch as the king tide flows into the marine protected area. Participate in community science and take photos to help document this tidal event!
Doug Siden Visitor Center at Crab Cove (Alameda)
King Tide Walks at Hayward Shoreline
Sat. Jan 13 from Noon to 1:30 pm | Sat. Feb 10 from 11 am to 12:30 pm
What are King Tides? How do they affect plants and animals, and what can we learn from them? Find out the answers to these questions and participate in the community science King Tides Project on this easy walk along the San Francisco Bay shore. Be prepared for muddy shoes!
Hayward Regional Shoreline (Hayward) at the West Winton Avenue Staging Area
2022 King Tides Around the Bay Videos: During the 2022 King Tides, Park District naturalists streamed two live events to share the future effects on the shorelines and how we are implementing plans for sea level rise and habitat and shoreline resiliency. Watch the King Tides Around the Bay videos on YouTube, Into the Delta and Along the Shoreline.
See something worth sharing while you're out at the shoreline? Snap a photo and submit it to the California King Tides Project.