

Enjoy July 4th! Tips for Visitors

July 2, 2018

The Park District hopes everyone enjoys the Fourth of July whether at home, a community event, or a Regional Park.

NOTICE: The July 4th holiday is typically one of the busiest days of the year for Regional Parks, so visitors are encouraged to carpool and arrive early. Some of our more popular parks and swim areas are expected to reach capacity. Visit www.ebparks.org to know if the Regional Park you are heading to is impacted.

Also, if visiting a Regional Park, there are certain tips and rules visitors should follow.
- STAY COOL AND HYDRATED – Plan ahead and bring plenty of water.
- DRINK SAFELY – Drinking is only allowed at certain Regional Parks. Check www.ebparks.org before you go.
- FOLLOW WATER SAFETY RULES IF SWIMMING – There are free loaner life-jackets available at all East Bay Regional Park District swim facilities as an extra safeguard for anyone concerned about their swimming abilities or those of their children.
- UNDERSTAND FIRE DANGERS – NO smoking, NO fireworks at East Bay Regional Parks. Fire Warning Information: www.ebparks.org/public-safety/fire/fire-warning-info


American flag with happy fourth written in the middle



Dave Mason, Public Information Supervisor
(510) 544-2217