Judge John Sutter Regional Shoreline

Northwest Territories Regional Shoreline (Alameda Point)


The Park District is planning a new regional shoreline park on the northwest portion of the former Alameda Naval Air Station, also known as Alameda Point. Development of the 158-acre future park - which has a working name of Northwest Territories Regional Shoreline - will occur in phases and include an extension of the San Francisco Bay Trail.

The Park District Board of Directors executed a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Alameda in February of 2020 to cooperate in the development of the future park. A Final Site Plan will be available within two years after the lease is signed. An Interim Bay Trail is planned to be developed first.

Site Description

Future open space area in Alameda Point
Future open space area in Alameda Point / EBRPD.

In coordination with the City of Alameda, the Park District is developing a 158-acre open space on the northwest portion of the former Alameda Naval Air Station (NAS Alameda). The future regional park will include an extension of the San Francisco Bay Trail and provide views of the San Francisco Bay. Planning, development, and construction of the new shoreline park will occur in phases.

The former airfield adjacent to the south of the future park is a part of Alameda Point that will be transferred to the Veterans Administration (VA). An endangered least tern colony - which seasonally nests at this adjacent site - will be protected.

Area of the future San Francisco Bay Trail summer 2019
Area of the future San Francisco Bay Trail summer 2019, EBRPD.
San Francisco skyline and Bay Bridge from the park
San Francisco skyline and Bay Bridge from the park, EBRPD
Views of the San Francisco Bay from the future regional shoreline park
Views of the San Francisco Bay from the future regional shoreline park, EBRPD


In 1927, wetlands at the west end of Alameda Island were filled to establish the Alameda Airport. By 1936, the City of Alameda ceded the airport to the United States government. The Naval Air Station Alameda (NAS), commonly referred to as Alameda Point, was established in 1941 as the Assembly and Repair Department. It was decommissioned by the Base Realignment and Closure Commission in 1993 and closed in 1997.

NAS Alameda established as an Assembly and Repair Department
NAS Alameda established as an Assembly and Repair Department / Alameda Naval Air Museum

The Navy transferred 1,562 acres of Alameda Point to the City of Alameda. An additional 624 acres have been transferred to the VA. The City of Alameda adopted the NAS Alameda Community Reuse Plan to identify planning goals for the use and disposition of the 2,000-acre property, including setting aside 158 acres as a future shoreline park.

In 2012, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the Park District, and the City of Alameda worked together to identify a project that includes the regional shoreline park, extensions of the San Francisco Bay Trail around the former NAS, and protection for the endangered least tern colony that nests on the former airfields on the VA property.

Aerial view of the former Naval Air Site Alameda
Aerial view of the former Naval Air Site Alameda / Alameda Naval Air Museum

The Alameda City Council certified an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and approved the Alameda Point General Plan and Zoning Amendments, Master Infrastructure Plan, and Town Center and Waterfront Plan in February 2014, which designated 158 acres of Alameda Point as the Northwest Territories Regional Shoreline. The Park District will continue working with the City of Alameda to lease the property for phased development of a future regional park.


For more information, please contact Kim Thai, Senior Planner at KThai@ebparks.org, or at (510) 544-2320.