Tilden Park Golf Course Certified as Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary
The Tilden Park Golf Course recently was designated as a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary, and certified in Chemical Use Reduction and Safety and Water Quality Management. It is the 67th golf course in California and the 1009th in the world to be designated as a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary.
Certificates of Achievement will be presented at the East Bay Regional Park District board meeting Tuesday, April 2, 2013 at 2 p.m.

“Golf course operators and Regional Parks staff set up projects to enhance wildlife habitat, achieve sensitive maintenance practices, and inform people of our commitment to environmental quality,” said Park District General Manager Robert E. Doyle.
“This certification of Tilden Park Golf Course demonstrates our Park District’s leadership, commitment, and high standards of environmental management. This achievement is possible because of the dedication and commitment of our Park District staff and American Golf,” said Doyle.
The Tilden Park Golf Course is managed to meet or exceed the standards set by Audubon International for Chemical Use Reduction and Safety, Water Quality Management, Wildlife and Habitat Management, Water Conservation, and Outreach and Education. Work completed that contributed to achieving this certification included the Wildcat Creek Restoration project, establishing California native plants around the golf course, and documentation of ongoing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies and practices.
Once every two years, the golf course operator will update Audubon International about progress, to ensure that certification standards are being maintained.
The Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf is an award winning education and certification program that helps golf courses protect our environment and preserve the natural heritage of the game of golf. By helping people enhance the valuable natural areas and wildlife habitats that golf courses provide, improve efficiency, and minimize potentially harmful impacts of golf course operations, the program serves as vital resource for golf courses. More information about Audubon International is at www.auduboninternational.org
The East Bay Regional Park District is a system of beautiful public parks and trails in Alameda and Contra Costa counties east of San Francisco Bay. The system comprises 112,000+ acres in 65 parks including over 1,200 miles of trails for hiking, biking, horseback riding and nature learning. More information is at www.ebparks.org