Restoration Work to Begin Soon at Mission Peak
To mitigate the ever increasing problem of soil erosion at Mission Peak Regional Preserve, the Park District will soon begin restoration work on a 1,700-foot long bootleg trail alongside Peak Trail. This is one of the 15 bootleg trails the Park District has been restoring. The work will include installing fences to keep visitors from “cutting” through the parkland, which causes more erosion, trail degradation, and ugly scars in the landscape.
“This is the third phase of a restoration project that began in 2012 to address the growing number of bootleg trails resulting from the increased number of hikers at Mission Peak,” said Gordon Willey, Park Supervisor of Sunol/Ohlone Wilderness and Mission Peak Regional Preserve.
Park District staff will install a 2,600-foot fence around the “resource improvement area” that leads to the summit and will spray the ground with hydroseed, a combination of special native seeds, fertilizer, and soil, to speed up the germination process of the grass seed. The area will then be covered with natural cotton biodegradable netting, known as bio-wattle, to protect the newly seeded ground and slow down rain runoff.
All trails at Mission Peak will remain open during the restoration. Peak Trail will be graded with a compacted base rock to allow the path to be used year round, and hikers will be directed to go around the graded area for a few days. Once these improvements are completed, the restored area (in red on the map below), will be permanently closed to the public.
“This restoration project showcases the ongoing effort, funds, and resources necessary to preserve our natural environment. We appreciate the support of the public by staying on designated trails at all times when visiting Mission Peak and any of our Regional Parks,” said Park District Chief of Park Operations Mark Ragatz.
The restoration work at Peak Trail will be conducted for several weeks.
In the past, Irvington High School students, the Mountain Goats Bike Club, and other volunteers, spent many hours in the restoration of several bootleg trails in Mission Peak. Their contribution has encouraged a change in attitude towards the parkland. By getting the public involved, said Willey, “it is hoped that others will also develop a sense of ownership towards the park and want to take better care of it for all to enjoy today and into the future.”
Please note that due to the heavy visitor use and its impact on the parkland as well as overflow parking into the Stanford Avenue neighborhood, new hours are instituted at Mission Peak:
Park Hours
Park OPEN at Ohlone College
Entrance/Parking Lot
43600 Mission Blvd., Fremont
Over 900 parking spaces
Daily, year round
6:00am - 10:00pm
Park OPEN at Stanford Ave.
43 parking spaces
Dec 23 - Mar 31
6:30am - 8:00pm
Apr 1 - Dec 22
6:30am - 9:00pm
Parking permit program for residents
NO Public Access to Mission Peak from Mill Creek Road.
Please note that hours are strictly enforced. Visitors found inside the park, entrance area, and parking lot after posted hours will be subject to citation and or arrest. Citations cost a minimum of $300.

A fence will be installed around this wide 1,700-foot long bootleg trail and it will be seeded to restore the parkland.

Fence at the bottom of the Scarface

Fence at the Top of the Scarface

The area to be fenced and restored is indicated in red.