

EBRPD Wildlife Experts and Volunteers Assisting with Peregrine Falcon Project

October 26, 2018

EBRPD Wildlife Experts and Volunteers Assisting with Peregrine Falcon Project

Over the past years, the Park District’s environmental stewardship staff has been assisting with efforts to preserve nesting peregrine falcons at UC Berkeley’s Campanile balcony. In 2017 two peregrine falcons were observed nesting on the Campanile high in the air above the UC Berkeley campus. The falcons’ hatching of 2 offspring that year was closely observed by UC Berkely and the District, as well as well as local bird enthusiasts. This past spring the pair had three more offspring. Peregrine falcons are the fastest animal in the world.

“For the past two years Park District staff and volunteers have help observe the falcon’s health as they nested and closely followed the hatching and fledgling of their offspring,” said East Bay Regional Park District Wildlife Program Manager Doug Bell. “This year we hope to add webcams to the Campanile to observe future offspring up close in real time, rather than from a distance.”

A crowdfunding effort has been launched to raise money for the webcam. Visit https://crowdfund.berkeley.edu/project/11307 if you are interested in donating.


Peregrine falcon on ledge with view of city in the background


Peregrine Falcon

Dave Mason, Public Information Supervisor
(510) 544-2217