Community Enjoying Improvements at Point Pinole Regional Shoreline Thanks to Measure CC
In 2017 the East Bay Regional Park District dedicated two important projects at Point Pinole Regional Shoreline in Richmond. The Dotson Family Marsh, which provides enhanced public access and elevated trails, and the new Atlas Road Bridge, which offers an additional entrance to the shoreline park.
“The improvements have significantly improved shoreline access for the Richmond community,” said East Bay Regional Park District Director Whitney Dotson. “Local, voter-approved funding was vital to making the improvements happened.”
The Point Pinole improvement projects represent the biggest ever investment in Park District history. The total public investment in the Point Pinole projects, including funding from other agencies, was over $46 million.
“The improvements have been a great addition to that park,” said Point Pinole Regional Shoreline Park Supervisor Britt Thorsnes. “Visitors have always loved the park, but the new improvements make it even easier to get to, and even more enjoyable for visitors.
Specific improvements include new shoreline walking, hiking and biking trails, new bathrooms, and two new park entrances with parking.
“We are also noticing more visitors to the park, including some that are visiting the park for the first time,” said Point Pinole Regional Shoreline Park Supervisor Britt Thorsnes. “Many new visitors are expressing their appreciation for the improvements and saying they are planning to return.”
Both the Dotson Family Marsh and Atlas Road Bridge project were funded in part by Measure CC that was approved by East Bay voters in 2004. Measure CC was approved by voters in Oakland, Berkeley, Richmond, Alameda, San Pablo, El Cerrito, Albany, Emeryville, and Piedmont. Measure CC is set to expire soon.
The project also received Measure WW and Measure AA funding.
The 60-acre Dotson Family Marsh restoration project is also an example of the District’s efforts to prepare for climate change and rising sea levels. Park improvements were constructed above the projected 2080 sea level, including two new walking/hiking trails, 24 new parking spots, and a 1.5-mile extension of the San Francisco Bay Trail.
The Atlas Bridge project, which included creation of a new park entrance and staging area, provides enhanced access to the shoreline park. The new Atlas Road Bridge is part of a multi-phase project that will also additional include picnic areas, a new playground, and a walking path to a separately-planned interpretive center.
For more information, visit Point Pinole Regional Shoreline.
The East Bay Regional Park District is a system of beautiful public parks and trails in Alameda and Contra Costa counties east of San Francisco Bay, established in 1934. The system comprises 121,000 acres in 73 parks including over1,250 miles of trails for hiking, biking, horseback riding and nature learning.

Dave Mason, Public Information Supervisor