Coyote Hills Landscape

Gathering of Ohlone Peoples

Gathering of Ohlone Peoples

Coyote Hills Regional Park (Fremont)
Sunday, October 6, 2024, 10am -3pm

Connect and gain a deeper understanding of the local Indigenous Peoples past, present, and future. Join Ohlone Peoples from diverse tribal communities as they share their living history through music, song, dance, and stories. Together, we'll learn, celebrate, and honor the first stewards of this land. 


Alameda and Contra Costa Counties fall within the homelands of about 25 tribes of Native peoples, who speak variants of two Ohlone languages (East Bay Costanoan and Karkin), and the Bay Miwok and Delta Yokuts languages. Over 2,000 years ago, the Ohlone and their ancestors established several villages in the area that is now Coyote Hills Regional Park. European settlement brought severe disruption, dislocation, and suffering to the Tuibun tribe (located in today’s Fremont Plain) and to other Ohlone peoples.

Despite this tragic history, many Ohlone peoples continue to keep their history and elements of their traditional cultures alive and vibrant. Their knowledge of natural resources and land management skills enable\ them to thrive as the First Peoples. Every November, the nation and the Park District celebrate Native American Heritage Month.

At the Annual Gathering of Ohlone Peoples, Ohlones of varied tribal backgrounds:

  • share family and tribal history, music, song, dance, and stories
  • discuss contemporary cultural involvements and concerns
  • demonstrate basket, jewelry, soaproot brush, and dogbane string making.

At previous Gatherings, visitors were able to:

  • walk to a more than 2,000-year-old Tuibun village site
  • play an Ohlone game
  • try making fire without matches
  • make a miniature tule boat
  • taste native plant teas, manzanita cider, and acorn soup cooked with heated stones in a basket.

The Coyote Hills Regional Park Visitor Center includes exhibits on Ohlone and other Central California Indian ways of life, as well as exhibits on area wetlands habitats and wildlife.

In this recording of a live virtual presentation, Ohlone Peoples from several tribes shared about their culture, history, traditions, and discussed current involvements.

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